Website: Wolfsburg Bus Company
At the Wolfsburg Bus Company we specialise in the supply of high quality, period correct restoration parts for VW Transporters built in the Wolfsburg factory between 1950 and 1956, that said we would also like to clarify that many of the parts that we stock are also correct for VW Splitscreen Transporters built beyond these dates.
Link Informationen
Name: Wolfsburg Bus Company
Land: United Kingdom
Sprachen: English
- Typ2 T1 – «Bulli» 1949 – 67
Name: Russell Johnson
Strasse, Nr.: 31
Postleitzahl, Ort: PR4 6BP Preston
Telefon: 01772 816185
Muttersprache: English
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Name: Russell Johnson
Ort: Preston, United Kingdom
Mitglied seit: 13.09.2020
Sprachen: English |