Blog: Aircooled Drive In
An Aircooled Drive in, like in the old days.
watch the movie on a 9x16mtr big screen from the frontseat of your aircooled VW. Your love at your side, popcorn on your lap, Sound coming in over FM through your own carspeakersystem.Surrounded by just and only aircooled VWs!
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Name: Aircooled Drive In
Gründung: 18.09.2010
Land: Netherlands
Sprachen: English
- Typ1 – «Käfer» <1958
- Typ1 – «Käfer» 1958 – 67
- Typ1 – «Käfer» >1967
- Typ14 – «Karmann Ghia»
- Typ147 – «Fridolin»
- Typ181 – «Kübelwagen»
- Typ2 T1 – «Bulli» 1949 – 67
- Typ2 T2 – «Bay Window» 1968 – 79
- Typ2 T3 – «luftgekühlt» 1979 – 82
- Typ3 – «Fliessheck, Stufenheck, Variant»
- Typ34 – «Karmann Ghia»
- Typ4 – «411, 412»
- Porsche - «356, 911, 912, 914»
Registrierung erforderlich? nein
Name: Jeroen Halmans
Strasse, Nr.: Heiveldstraat 4
Postleitzahl, Ort: 6181CK Elsloo
Muttersprache: Dutch
Weiter Sprachen: English
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Name: Jeroen Halmans
Ort: Elsloo, Netherlands
Mitglied seit: 27.03.2011
Sprachen: Dutch | en