Potraga - Westfalia Wolfsburg or Stuttgart Trailer
I am looking for a Westfalia Wolfsburg or Stuttgart Trailer.
It should be in good condition or even be restored recently.
Please offer anything and we can discuss.
Location in Europe doesn't matter.
Informacije o oglasu
Tražim: Westfalia Wolfsburg or St...
Cena: EUR
Oglas postavljen: 04.01.2024
Oglas ažuriran: 04.01.2024
Oglas pogledan: 2204
Informacije o kupcu
Kontaktirati Maik
Svi oglasi od Maik
Ime: Maik Erler
Mesto: Dublin, Ireland
Member since: 04.01.2024
Jezik: German | English
Paypal: da